What is the perspective that middle-class urbanites should have toward helping inner-city poor?

Check out an article from the IndyStar.

Tim Streett
Tim Streett is a man with a vision. His vision, though, is not a quick fix plan that will putter out in a few years. It's going to require a dedication not only to reaching out to the poor.
It's going to require people to enter the community to learn about these people and build relationships - lasting relationships. It will take giving up preconceived ideas and understanding the cultural reasons behind poverty-stricken people's actions.
Can this man come teach his six-week course, "Poverty 101," at IUPUI?
I think I would take it.
Read this article, and let me know your thoughts either through comments or an e-mail to our Office.
Pictures used from IndyStar and Poverty 101 logo.
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