Quote of the Month...

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one. ~ Mother Teresa

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

World AIDS Day

This Thursday on IUPUI campus an informative fair in the Campus Center will help raise awareness of the various people afflicted by HIV/AIDS.  This global issue affects people from all backgrounds, beliefs, races and regions of the world.  It is not limited to one crowd or one country.

 The U.S. Center for Disease Control shares information on what populations are most significantly affected by HIV/AIDS in the United States and what can be done to prevent the spread of them.

To understand issues around the globe you can do your own research or follow this link: HIV/AIDS Report.

 U.S. National Overview
  • Nearly 1.2 million people are living with HIV in the U.S. (an estimated 1,178,350 adults and adolescents), and one in five of those (20 percent) are unaware of their infections.
  • Despite increases in the total number of people living with HIV in the U.S. in recent years, the annual number of new infections has remained relatively stable overall.
  • However, HIV infections continue at far too high a level, with approximately 50,000 Americans becoming newly infected with HIV each year.
  • More than 16,000 people with AIDS still die each year in the U.S.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Free Rice for Thanksgiving

It's addicting. Any game is.
Not only that, it feeds people.

Test your knowledge in languages, geography, math, literature or sciences, and feed people while you do it.

Free Rice is a wonderful way to raise money for those going hungry.

Visit the link over the Thanksgiving holiday and feed children around the world.

Who Gets Free Rice?
Feed a dream

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Who is Hungry? Who is Homeless?

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week
November 14-19

Monday the H&H banner was signed to kick-off the events of this week.

Many faces hid under a bridge.

The issue they face not set in the light.

They are a faceless stereotype

A definition hard to package

Who will be the willing to face the issue?

“Hunger” and “homeless” will be defined.

The facts shared may blow the mind,

But face them they are true.

Look at the following events for the week.  How can you help? 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Non-Profit Indy: Girls Inc.

This week we're taking a closer look at a non-profit in the Indianapolis area. 

 Girls Inc. of Greater Indianapolis provides hands-on programs that address the challenges girls face today, like self-esteem and bullying. They want all girls to be healthy, educated and independent. Volunteers work with girls who range from 6 years old to fourteen years old once a week for 6 weeks throughout the school year.

  Strong. Smart. Bold.

To learn more and apply to be a volunteer please visit www.girlsincindy.org
or call Mollie Hicks at 317-522-2610.