Saturday, October 23, 2010
9:00am - 1:00pm
(Registration begins at 8:30 am)
IUPUI Volunteers spend National Make a Difference Day making a commitment to actively participate in this special day of volunteerism. Make a Difference Day is the most encompassing national day of helping others -- a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors. Even small efforts can make a big difference!
If you have already registered and need to add, subtract, or correct your submissions, please email the Office of Community Service at commserv@iupui.edu directly, or call (317) 278-9651.
8:30-9:00am Registration & Site Assignment
9:00-9:15am Team Builders
9:15-9:30am Welcome
9:30-10:00am Drive to Service Sites
10:00-1:00pm Service & Reflection
Tentative Service Sites
Gleaners Food Bank
Midwest Food Bank
Register Here:
Individuals needing more information or auxillary aids for communication or assistance for access or accommodation should contact Corinne DeRoberts, Graduate Assistance for Civic Engagement at (317) 274-3663, or cderober@iupui.edu at least three days prior to the event (Wednesday, October 20th).
Make a Difference Day is created by USA WEEKEND Magazine, this annual event takes place on the fourth Saturday of every October.