Volunteers helped in the Campus Center by engaging their peers for the cause, while many students and faculty took a thoughtful look at the kindness they’ve been shown and considered how they themselves can make a postivie difference in someone’s life.
In fact, we are continuing the "Thank A Prof!" campaign in the Center for Service and Learning (3rd floor of Campus Center), so that if you did not get the chance to sign the poster for your favorite professor, you may still participate! Please stop by as soon as possible and "Thank A Prof!" Below are some of the responses we received from our “You were caught!” campaign, during which, people at IUPUI caught both friends and strangers in the act of kindness.
Here’s what they caught people doing….
Nominator Name: Corinee DeRoberts
Nominatee Name: Andy Prinsen
You were caught….. Volunteering to take me to get my wisdom teeth out.
Nominator Name: Michelle Jordan
Nominatee Name: Josh Normington
You were caught….. Helping out when you didn’t have to.
Nominator Name: Steven Entezari
Nominatee Name: Corinne & Andy
You were caught….. Promoting people to do Random Acts of Kindness! Thank you!
Nominator Name: Jessica Koetteritz
Nominatee Name: Cole Johnson
You were caught….. Making the world a better place with your beautiful personality and your protectiveness and helpfulness.
Nominator Name: Chris Lola
Nominatee Name: Dad
You were caught….. Giving me your car while mine got messed up.
Nominator Name: Katy Zeller
Nominatee Name: Ron Wentworth
You were caught….. Plowing out someone’s driveway for them.
Nominator Name: Cole Johnson
Nominatee Name: Jessica Koetteritz
You were caught….. Showing love and humility to everyone around, regardless of their physical characteristics or social status.
Nominator Name: Rachel Hathaway
Nominatee Name: Teresa Gallaway
You were caught….. Buying your bestie some sunchips! :)
Nominator Name: Casey Cawthon
Nominatee Name: Christian Siakam
You were caught….. Telling someone hello!
Nominator Name: Steven Entezari
Nominatee Name: Lisa Contino
You were caught….. Making better mentors! Thank you!
Nominator Name: Katy Zeller
Nominatee Name: Michael Cunningham and Courtney Cooper
You were caught….. Fixing the sign for the “Random Acts of Kindness” table
Nominator Name: Rachel Hathaway
Nominatee Name: Jenna Knepper
You were caught….. Sharing your waffle fries! :)
Nominator Name: Quintan Sims
Nominatee Name: Yolanda Snowden
You were caught….. Helping Hoosier Veterans
Thanks again everyone; keep it up! Let's keep this going until next year! Also, don't forget to "Thank a Prof" in the Center for Service and Learning. Have a great day!