Quote of the Month...

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one. ~ Mother Teresa

Monday, November 15, 2010

Alternative Spring Breaks!

Alternative Spring Breaks 2011!

This year, the IUPUI Alternative Breaks is offering 6 different Spring Break trips! That’s 6 times the chances for you to be involved!

They are $100 to participate and we have 6 amazing locations.

Trip Locations:
Camp Sequanota- Jennerstown PA
Heifer International- Perryville AR
Nashville Rescue Mission- Nashville, TN
Camp Boggy Creek- Eustis FL
Freedom Foundation- Selma, AL
Food & Friends- Washington D.C.

Application website:

Contact Brittaney Humphrey or Whitney Zapien for more information at:

Spots are still available for Selma and Nashville!
Get your application in today!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

MLK Day of Service 2011

MLK Day of Service 2011
January 17, 2011
9am - 1pm (Registration begins at 8am)
Campus Center 4th Floor
Volunteers will be helping various non-profit organizations throughout Indianapolis!

Registration is now CLOSED!
Thanks to all of our volunteers for signing up, we look forward to seeing you Monday, January 17th!

Monday, November 8, 2010

World AIDS Day Fair

World AIDS Day Fair
December 1, 2010
10am - 3pm
IUPUI Campus Center 4th Floor

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week!

One week prior or Thanksgiving, schools, communities, and cities throughout the nation endeavor to bring a greater awareness to the issues of hunger and homelessness.

This year the Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention and IUPUI are partnering together to bring awareness events to our community throughout the week!


Jam the Jaguar Pantry
Sunday, November 14th - Tuesday, November 23rd
Help jam the Jaguar Pantry with non-perishable food items to be donated to Gleaners. Look for marked boxes around the IUPUI campus to place items.

Brown Bag Luncheon Panel
Monday, November 15th
12-1:30pm Room 305
A panel discussion with local homeless providers and formerly homeless advocates.

Service Fair
Thursday, November 18th
Campus Center Atrium
Come get information on organizations helping the hungry and homeless and ways you can get involved.

*At every event we will be collecting cans for jaguar pantry!

*Boxes will be place in
  • Honors College Lounge
  • Campus Center Information Desk
  • Library 2nd floor across from the circulation desk
  • Bepko Learning Center - 2nd floor Taylor Hall
ALD/PES/HC SC Sock drive is looking for warm new socks and will deliver them to a local shelter.

Sponsored by:

Friday, October 8, 2010

Helping Homeless Veterans and Families

Date: Friday, November 12th
Time: 10am - 12pm
Location: HVAF of
Indiana, Inc.

"No American, especially a vet
eran, should ever be homeless"

Join IUPUI on November 12th in a partnership with HVAF of Indiana, Inc, a nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating homelessness for veterans and their families through prevention, education, supportive services, and advocacy.

HVAF provides supportive, structured housing to Indiana veterans and their families who are recovering from homelessness. Additionally, it provides veterans and their families with the assistance necessary to ensure successful independent living in the community. As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to help HVAF with raking leaves, picking up limbs and debris, removal of brush from trees and indoor painting.

You can register at: http://bit.ly/adW9JR

Contact Suzanne Graham with any questions regarding this event.

Suzanne Graham
IUPUI Office of Community Service
Community Service Leader
Jags in the Streets/ServiceCorps


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Make a Difference Day

Saturday, October 23, 2010

9:00am - 1:00pm

(Registration begins at 8:30 am)

IUPUI Volunteers spend National Make a Difference Day making a commitment to actively participate in this special day of volunteerism. Make a Difference Day is the most encompassing national day of helping others -- a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors. Even small efforts can make a big difference!

If you have already registered and need to add, subtract, or correct your submissions, please email the Office of Community Service at commserv@iupui.edu directly, or call (317) 278-9651.


8:30-9:00am Registration & Site Assignment

9:00-9:15am Team Builders

9:15-9:30am Welcome

9:30-10:00am Drive to Service Sites

10:00-1:00pm Service & Reflection

Tentative Service Sites

Gleaners Food Bank

Midwest Food Bank

Register Here:

Individuals needing more information or auxillary aids for communication or assistance for access or accommodation should contact Corinne DeRoberts, Graduate Assistance for Civic Engagement at (317) 274-3663, or cderober@iupui.edu at least three days prior to the event (Wednesday, October 20th).

Make a Difference Day is created by USA WEEKEND Magazine, this annual event takes place on the fourth Saturday of every October.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Collegiate Readership Progam

The Collegiate Readership Program at IUPUI offers FREE copies of newspapers to students. There are various locations to pick up your own copy of a newspaper today!

USA Today, New York Times, Indianapolis Star


For more information: email crpiupui@iupui.edu

Check them out on Facebook:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jags in the Street: Paint the Town

Paint the Town:
A simple idea: we are a group of people who like to paint houses and there are a bunch of our neighbors who need their houses painted.

Paint the Town or PTT is an enormously successful program from Cincinnati that is in it's inaugurual year here in Indianapolis. The idea is that painting houses on a particular block will help improve the appearance and serve as a great way to bring the neighborhood together.
We have identified homeowners that are in need of a fresh coat of paint and for a number of reasons have been unable to complete the project on their own. PTT will provide volunteers, supplies, and expertise to homeowners in order to repaint their home's exterior.

Come join IUPUI on Saturday, October 2, 2010 to help turn a house into a lovely home in the Bates-Hendricks Neighborhood in Indianapolis.

There are 2 shifts available: 8 am - 12pm and 1pm - 5 pm.

Spots are limited, so join us now in getting some paint on your clothes and revitalizing a part of your community!

Register at: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEFCdkVzT3gxV2hTUmRQLXBJWlJrYmc6MA

Contact Suzanne Graham with any questions at sezeller@umail.iu.edu

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fall Alternative Break

Fall Alternative Break 2010!
What is FAB? IUPUI Fall Alternative Break (FAB) is a low-cost service trip that takes IUPUI students to communities outside of Indianapolis, where they take part in volunteering and hands-on learning. Students perform short-term projects for community agencies and learn about issues such as health, literacy, poverty, racism, hunger, homelessness and the environment.

When: October 15 - 18

Location: Nashville, TN

Service Site: ThriftSmart

Cost: $50

Registration Deadline: September 24, 2010
(Turn application in at the front desk of Office of Student Involvement along with your deposit!)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Volunteer: Service and the City

Friday, September 3, 2010

8:30am - 5:00pm

Registration in Campus Center 450 C

During the Weeks of Welcome, join us for a day-long leadership and community service experience, complete with a guided bus tour of Indianapolis, lunch with community service leaders, and hands-on service at a local non-profit agency. This opportunity is ideal for first year students and those who are new to Indianapolis/IUPUI, as well as those who are interested in civic leadership. Lunch and t-shirt are provided. Registration is required by September 3rd, and is limited to the first 100 participants!

Schedule of Events
8:30-9:00am Registration and group assignment
9:00-9:15am Welcome and Overview
9:15-11:15am Tour of Indianapolis
11:15-12:45pm Lunch with Community Leaders Panel
12:45-1:00pm Driving time to service sites
1:00-5:00pm Service and Reflection

Tentative Service Sites
Indy Senior Center
Faith, Hope and Love
Keep Indianapolis Beautiful
Architecture for Humanity/Indy Food Co-op


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Need Volunteer Hours?

Time is running out!

As semester draws to a close, it is not uncommon for students to find themselves in need of some volunteer hours for a class, organization, or scholarship. You know that IUPUI is nationally recognized for service and that the “end of education should surely be service to others,” but now you find yourself in a time crunch, looking for some volunteer hours. Is it too late to be civically engaged? The answer is a resounding "No!"

What can you do?

Don't miss this opportunity to get out of your comfort zone, be an active citizen, and make contact with your community in a new and exciting way. Here are some tips for how to take advantage of the situation, as well as some resources you will find helpful as you look for volunteer hours.

Volunteering late in the semester: 101

-Think outside the box! Use this chance to engage a nonprofit that fits your interests, passions, and personal goals. Then consider how establishing a relationship now with the organization you feel strongly about can lead to increased involvement in the future.

-Consider the service an opportunity to explore a nonprofit in hopes of spending more time there this summer, where you can gain more experience and responsibilities within the organization.

- If you are part of a student organization, propose an upcoming volunteer opportunity to the group. This will help your friends get their hours, and unify your group before you split for the summer.

-If you will be continuing your studies next semester, consider that the beginning of the semester is one of the hardest time to take on new ventures. Even if it seems late, get involved now and when school starts you will already have your priority of service in place!

-If you are graduating, you may be surprised to hear that volunteering is one of the best next steps you can take. Not only will you be benefiting society as you move on, but you will be establishing valuable connections in the community. The sooner you get involved the better!

-Remember: Service to others isn't for regular semesters only! The summer is a great time to volunteer and be an active citizen!

Valuable Resources

The Weekly Volunteer Opportunity Calendar: This resource details some of IUPUI’s “Community Partners,” which are local nonprofits. The calendar lists the Partners according to the work they need help with and allows you to find an opportunity which fits your busy schedule!

The Volunteer Verification Form: If you need hours for a scholarship, this is the form you will need to get signed and turned in before May 30th.

The Social Issue Sheets: If you would like to find your own opportunity and you know the social issue you are interested in, we categorized many local nonprofits so you can find one that shares your passion. The Volunteer Coordinators’ contact information is included for your convenience. Here they are:

Arts & Culture
Education & Literacy
Children and Youth
Domestic Violence
Health & Medicine
Hispanic and Latino Issues
Housing and Homelessness
Senior Citizens

For future reference, these resources and others can all be found along the right-hand side of the OCS Blog. Who knows? What started as a desperate need for hours might turn into a long-term commitment to a worthy, local cause. The end of semester might just turn out to be the beginning of something great!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

César Chávez Day of Service!

"The end of all education should surely be service to others." - Cesar Chavez
César Chávez Day of Service 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010 - 10am–4pm

¡Viva la Causa! Join IUPUI students and members of the Indianapolis community to recognize César Chávez, a Mexican American farm worker, labor leader, and civil rights activist whose work has led to numerous improvements for union laborers. He is considered a hero for farm laborers and is hailed as one of the greatest American civil rights leaders.

In recognition of this holiday, the Community Service Scholars of the Sam H. Jones Community Service Scholarship Program are organizing the César Chávez Day of Service. Hosted by the Community Service Scholars, this year's event will consist of a festival celebration and service in the local community. Join us for music, community speakers, food, games, and more! Volunteers are needed to help run the festival booths and help with community improvement service projects.

Click here to register!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

National Random Acts of Kindness Week!

Thank you to everyone who participated in IUPUI’s second annual celebration of National Random Acts of Kindess Week!
Volunteers helped in the Campus Center by engaging their peers for the cause, while many students and faculty took a thoughtful look at the kindness they’ve been shown and considered how they themselves can make a postivie difference in someone’s life.

In fact, we are continuing the "Thank A Prof!" campaign in the Center for Service and Learning (3rd floor of Campus Center), so that if you did not get the chance to sign the poster for your favorite professor, you may still participate! Please stop by as soon as possible and "Thank A Prof!" Below are some of the responses we received from our “You were caught!” campaign, during which, people at IUPUI caught both friends and strangers in the act of kindness.

Here’s what they caught people doing….

Nominator Name: Corinee DeRoberts
Nominatee Name:
Andy Prinsen
You were caught…..
Volunteering to take me to get my wisdom teeth out.

Nominator Name: Michelle Jordan
Nominatee Name:
Josh Normington
You were caught…..
Helping out when you didn’t have to.

Nominator Name: Steven Entezari
Nominatee Name:
Corinne & Andy
You were caught….. Promoting people to do Random Acts of Kindness! Thank you!

Nominator Name: Jessica Koetteritz
Nominatee Name: Cole Johnson
You were caught…..
Making the world a better place with your beautiful personality and your protectiveness and helpfulness.

Nominator Name: Chris Lola
Nominatee Name: Dad
You were caught…..
Giving me your car while mine got messed up.

Nominator Name: Katy Zeller
Nominatee Name:
Ron Wentworth
You were caught…..
Plowing out someone’s driveway for them.

Nominator Name: Cole Johnson
Nominatee Name:
Jessica Koetteritz
You were caught…..
Showing love and humility to everyone around, regardless of their physical characteristics or social status.

Nominator Name: Rachel Hathaway
Nominatee Name: Teresa Gallaway
You were caught…..
Buying your bestie some sunchips! :)

Nominator Name: Casey Cawthon
Nominatee Name: Christian Siakam
You were caught…..
Telling someone hello!

Nominator Name: Steven Entezari
Nominatee Name: Lisa Contino
You were caught…..
Making better mentors! Thank you!

Nominator Name: Katy Zeller
Nominatee Name:
Michael Cunningham and Courtney Cooper
You were caught…..
Fixing the sign for the “Random Acts of Kindness” table

Nominator Name: Rachel Hathaway
Nominatee Name: Jenna Knepper
You were caught…..
Sharing your waffle fries! :)

Nominator Name: Quintan Sims
Nominatee Name:
Yolanda Snowden
You were caught…..
Helping Hoosier Veterans

Thanks again everyone; keep it up! Let's keep this going until next year! Also, don't forget to "Thank a Prof" in the Center for Service and Learning. Have a great day!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Help Us Help HAITI : Happening @ IUPUI

What are students at IUPUI doing to help Haiti?
See the Facebook for IUPUI's original student movement,
Also, view IUPUI's Haiti Earthquake Relief page which details many ways you can get involved.