Quote of the Month...

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one. ~ Mother Teresa

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Welcome Back!

IUPUI students.......welcome back to school!

No doubt you are beginning your semester as busy as ever; looking for that delicate balance of work, school, and life. Fortunately, looking for new opportunities to enjoy the semester doesn't have to be an added stress.

Before the semester gets in full swing, consider getting connected with us; the Office of Community Service at IUPUI! We are here to help you find opportunities for fun and meaningful community service that are convenient for your schedule. Plus, did you know that being involved in service will....

-Develop you as an individual?
-Enhance your education?
-Prepare you to be a professional?
-Fulfill your scholarship and club required "service hours"?
-Link you with other like-minded peers and establish lasting friendships?
-Make you unique and marketable in today's job scene?
-Open your eyes to the needs of your community and how you can make a positive impact?

If any of these benefits sound like they are for you, stop by the office in the campus center to let one of your peers direct you to service opportunities that fit your interests and goals. Or, visit the "Get Connected" portion of this blog along the right hand side. There you can sign up for our convenient Newsletter, and fill out a Volunteer Interest Form which will enable us to send you info about opportunities that fit your intersts, schedules, and career goals. Either way, know that you have a friend in the Office of Community Service, and we are here to help you in your endeavor to make an IMPACT.